When can I eat after a tooth extraction/oral surgery?

You should not eat solid food while still under the effect of the anesthetic injection, but make sure to drink plenty of fluids (fruit juice, tea, mineral water).

What can I eat after surgery?

You can eat anything, except milk, sour milk or yogurt. Do not eat very mushy food if possible!

When can I brush my teeth after oral surgery, how can I keep the operated area clean?

You should not wash your mouth with a mouthwash until the evening of the day of the procedure. In the evening you should brush your teeth and clean the operated area (the place of the extracted teeth) with a toothbrush and toothpaste to remove any food residue. Starting the next day, you should brush your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste after every meal.

Should I use mouth wash?

Not necessarily. It is not absolutely necessary to use mouthwash for normal mouth hygiene. Moreover, excess use of mouthwash can have harmful effects. Regardless of this, after the procedure a slight inflammation of the mucous membrane can occur, and in this case a mouthwash with chlorhexidine can be useful (e.g.: Curasept mouthwash, used as indicated).

Is there a risk of receiving implants?

Naturally, as with any surgery there are risks with tooth implantation, however when carried out with the proper management plan based on prior diagnostic examinations they are negligible.

What is the “life-span” of a dental implant?

A rehabilitation done by the rules is viable for 5-15 years. It depends on the general health of the patient, the thoroughness of mouth and teeth care, and on the regular periodic dental check-ups.

What is the likelihood of the rejection of the implant?

When performed in compliance with the relevant professional standards - implants "osseointegrate" to the host bone with a statistically proven 97% success rate.

This healing time is 3 months for the lower jaw bone and 4.5 months for the upper jaw bone. This is the time that is necessary for the implants to integrate, to form the so called osseointegration.

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